To the MAX with bot-creator Alex of Team Ryfen
Bot Creator Community
To the MAX with bot-creator Alex of Team Ryfen
Bot Creator Community
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To the MAX with bot-creator Alex of Team Ryfen

In this episode we meet bot-creator Alex van Hasselt of Team Ryfen, who created 8 successful bots in the BOTS app.

Welcome to our series: Inside BOTS. We put the spotlight on the people that build the bots you can use for your cryptocurrency trading. These videos will give in-depth information about trading algorithms, strategies, cryptocurrency and much more.

In this episode we meet bot-creator Alex van Hasselt of Team Ryfen, who created 8 successful bots in the BOTS app. As an experienced strategy consultant Alex used all his knowledge for the development of his so called momentum strategy. Want to know what that is? Well, let’s ask Alex himself!

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